9.25.2019 - New Quest (ongoing)

So - after 22 years of online sales - I finally participated in my first show… aren’t you proud of me?? I learned so much - mostly that I took way too many things. Not jewelry or bead things - but display and props…. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and my customers : )

My new obsession if findings ways to streamline show setup/display… and trying to maintain an orderly process when sales happen… marking off the items on the inventory etc. I can see how this could become an obsessive process. Already I’m designing display items that I can “load” pre-show… and simply place. I know this process will get easier… but for now - the hindsight being 20/20 is surely true!

My favorite prop: Imagine a swag of tennis ball sized ‘beads’ with raised scrollwork… I think I got caught up in the perfection of my ‘scrollwork’… no - these are NOT glass… : ) fun, huh?? But I have other ideas that I will unleash as they become realities…

This is a Kathy, Noel’s eldest daughter, a fellow glassy (among other endeavors) her medium is fused glass - who was gifted a pair of my earrings - don’t they look fabulous on her?! Funny - I’ve sold this color combo quite a few times! I have a similar pair on the update tonight.

I had to sneak her in here - because I just loved this picture of her - and her fun earrings!!!

Stop by the update tonight and have a look-see!!
smiles - Jill