Jill Symons

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6.19.2019 - Putting It ALL Together

I have no idea why it’s taken me over 20 years to get to this point… but I finally got the booth shot. Seems that’s paramount when it comes to applying to juried shows. I am feeling that it’s time… and I seem to have been collecting display pieces over the years - so… pulling together a setup that resembles my feel for my work (?) came together.
I have to thank Olga, Beth, and Kathleen… first, Olga - for saving me from myself - as that black cloud of doubt descended on me as the deadline was looming… Beth - for coming down last Saturday and bearing with me as we set the tent and all the items out… an ordeal that took HOURS. The teardown was a mere fraction of the time. AND Kathleen for her keen eye when it comes to photography - these taken with her iPhone - I’m stunned how wonderful the Iphone Portrait mode is - and how it makes me want a new phone!

I made most of the displays… except for the cases… it was such fun - that’s why I was absent last week for the update! Anyhow - now I have no excuse to have my drill and circular saw on my kitchen counter any longer… I have the cutest mini cutoff saw with a 3”dia blade from Harbor Freight - great for sizing the dowels. Most of this folds flat and all can be transported in my Mini Countryman! Yes - believe it!

I’m almost embarrassed at the sheer volume of inventory I have on hand… and yet - I’m also thankful - as that was one thing I didn’t need to worry about! So - you never know if I might be at your next local art festival, send me the names of some you really enjoy going to and I’ll look into it! smiles, Jill