3.7.2018 - Skipping... to the awaited JUMP forward.

In an all out effort to beg you to allow me to morph into the "cool maker of cool earrings"... I bring you these beauties.  I had lamented on Facebook "OH WORLD... be it that I could solely make earrings... that would be my wish!"  help me make it so?!!

While sitting at Central Market one evening... we noted that there was this joyous woman who was literally skipping through the restaurant.  NO... I didn't say child.  Woman... and with gusto...

That's how I feel about these earrings.  They are an adaptation of some I've done before - but I don't think I've ever wanted to skip over the others... as usually my designs are usually much more sedate.

But - springtime is here in central Texa, and it has awakened my joy, (sorry New York, your snow won't last too long...) but here it's happening.  My peach tree is in blossom, and I hear the bluebonnets are already bursting forth in Marble Falls.  So - with all this "bursting forth" of color - I thought I should participate as well. : )
smiles, Jill