1.24.2018 - Evolution... the process.

As it usually happens - things start out one way and evolve into other things.  Last week I had declared that the disk as the center of my proverbial universe... and that everything evolved from there.  This week, I still agree, and will carry that a bit further adding the flame assisted slump to the bead evolution.

I had decided that while three petals was alluring - five was a bit ambitious.  Four it ended up being.  But to get all four to slump to desired angle was a bit tricky.  Practice makes (more) perfect... so.

I find this picture especially alluring.  I think it's because I don't often work with striking glass (Certain colors of glass that change from one color to another once heated, then cooled a bit and then brought back into the flame to strike to that different color).   Yellow, Orange, and Red transparents are typically what I'm referring to.  I found it fun to strike the centers of the two end beads to more of an orange, and leave the edges yellow... (the original rod color was yellow... and it was to strike to orange)...


They actually started out as a version of a Snowdrop flower... but - sometimes such definition doesn't translate well to glass... and so it became a "reasonable representation with an artistic license to modify"....
; )

As is typical of my MO, I try it in a myriad of different colors - then start to look at opaques... wondering what if...  then head to silvered glass... OMG... I made so many.  THEN wonder how else it could be utilized... maybe as a bead cap? hmmm.  I think the set could be pretty stunning.  I strung it this way to show how they could back up to each other - but also toye

I strung it this way to show how they could back up to each other - but also toyed with the idea of taking the pairs and stringing them close to the pendant in a column of nesting petal beads - being careful to separate them by a few small seed beads so they wouldn't hit each other.  Do you think I got it out of my system? I hope so.  Smiles, Jill